Our Journey

We all need a little motivation when it comes to fitness. The purpose of this blog is to do just that. It is a story of success, failure, struggle, and triumph! My goal is to offer advice and real life experiences. Please offer your own advice, tips, and goals. Together we can change our lives and others... One Hour at a Time!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Couch to 5K!

I am unsure if you have heard of this amazing program. It is called Couch to 5k!

The website provides, "C25K, is a fantastic program that's been designed to get just about anyone from the couch to running 5 kilometers or 30 minutes in just 9 weeks." It gives details about running schedules, podcasts, apps for your phone, and motivational information.

You gotta take a look!

click here!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Reaching Your Mt. Everest!

I think Miley said it best...

"The struggles im facing the chances im taking sometimes might knock me down but no im not breaking i may not know it but these are the moments that im gonna remember most yeah just gotta keep goin and i i got be strong gotta keep on pushin on cuz

There's always gonna be another mountain im always gonna wanna make it move always gonna be an uphill battle sometimes im gonna have to lose aint about how fast i get there aint about whats waitin on the other side its the climb"

I know in this picture... this "hill" might not seem like much, but for some reason I dreaded this part of the run more than anything. I never wanted to run up it... down... around... anything but up. The funny thing is that we all have our own "Mt. Everest" and even though they may not seem like much to others... it's something that we put off, dread doing, or we just let it stand in our way. But as the song says you gotta just keep pushing past all the fears and insecurities you may have because you are truly the biggest obstacle in your way!

Day 3:

Wednesday night I had determined there was no way I would actually get up first thing in the morning. Ray and I hit the snooze and agreed that when we returned home from work on Thursday that we would hit the gym running... and so we did. About 400 calories burned. I've continued to lift weights while walking/running. I only lift about 5 lbs each arm but after an hour it burns. Wednesday I could feel the burn, my back was completely sore and honestly the majority of my body ached... but after a good stretch Thursday before our work out I was ready to go.

Also on a side note... what would you suggest as good snacks before a run? I cannot eat a full dinner before but wanted to know what your thoughts were on healthy snacks to provide energy for a work out? I've tried celery and peanut butter which actually is super good... any other thoughts?

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Memorial Day Sun Rays with Fam!

This Memorial Day weekend, I will be visiting my Zellner family in Panama City Beach Florida and I couldn't be more excited! To be honest, getting beach bod ready has ultimately been on my mind. I have about 64 days before I'll be strutting my bathing suit for the world to see and I'm thinking I'll be ready... My wonderful sister in law has been such an amazing motivator. I get daily updates of all that she has done! Thank you Mrs. Farrah Zellner for your continual love and support! I can't wait to see you guys! PCB here we come!


What are your thoughts on the P90X?


Day 2:
I'll be honest. There are some days I am so not motivated. I don't really like to get out of my warm bed in the mornings and sometimes I truly feel like this picture. Ha! But honestly it is so nice having something to work toward. Yesterday, Ray and I worked out for about an hour. I've been doing 2 miles on the elliptical to start and then another 2-3 miles on the treadmill while lifting weights. Tonight we'll go for another hour; take the pups on a good walk on Wednesday; Thursday morning workout; Sunday afternoon work out. Our goal currently is about 4 times a week and include walks with the pups. Sadly toward the end of last week we had dropped off our goal, but I'm excited to pick it back up this week. I think the whole concept of working out isn't about focusing on past failures but realizing that each day is a new day. It's about making realistic goals and sticking to them. For me I will set really high and sometimes far fetched goals... so now I'm just going to focus on sticking to my word and not making excuses. I'll always be tired, the days will continue to be long... but again it's one hour of your life at a time! Imagine improving your life one hour a day! Sometimes I think my biggest obstacle really is myself. So don't let you or anything else stand in your way! Good luck with your goals and know that you really can do anything you put your mind to. So again I'll keep you updated!

A Case of the Mundays!

Day 1:
On Monday, March 22, 2010 Ray and I started back at the gym. Last week we took a "break." Once again I had made excuses about being tired and potentially getting myself sick. I honestly searched for any excuse in the book for my husband to say... "ok we'll just stay in tonight." And that's exactly what we did last week. We stayed in and watched more taped DVR episodes of our favorite shows. On top of that... we were also too lazy to fix healthy meals. So we did what anyone would do... we ordered out. What's funny is that the reality is not only is this meal 100% worse for you but also with the time it takes for it to be delivered, you could have prepared a meal that was... 1. Tastier...2. Healthier...3. Quicker. So really we are the only ones that lost out in that battle.

Everyday is a brand new start...
On Monday we went to the gym at 6AM at our apartment and worked out for an hour before work. We both alternated the elliptical and the tread mill. I've found one of the best work outs to do a little over 2 miles on the elliptical and about 2-3 miles on the treadmill while carrying weights. I'll be honest Monday I felt great. I had more energy. I ate well. I even drank about 3-4 bottles of water. (Same bottle just refilled. I will be getting an eco friendly bottle to use more often)

400 (or more) calories burned in an hour!

Beach Bod Ready

It's about that time again! Time to get Beach Bod Ready! Just imagine inserting your face in here?!?

Are you ready?!?!

As of late, I just have really been in a funk. I've had my random moments of motivation and then at other times... I could sit on a couch and eat a whole pizza or tub of Blue Bell ice cream while watching the Biggest Loser! Ugh! This weekend I definitely had a wake up call. I really miss running... or maybe it really isn't the act of running but how I feel. I loved that I could run miles upon miles without stopping! It was amazing! I had never previously been a runner and swore that I would NEVER lose this wonderful thing that I had trained a whole year for... well never say never... b/c I realized this weekend that I had. So... in order to change this... it was time to get motivated...

My husband and I are back in training mode... we now have something to be motivated for... it is looking that we may be going to Florida this Summer with Family and I couldn't be more excited! Also we've just decided to really turn over a new leaf (yes I know it's March)... but you gotta get back on track sometime...

Our Goal... for each day we work out we get a "star!" I know pretty childish... but it is what that star represents that is super exciting. We've decided to give up fast food and really give up going out to eat a lot in general. It's more home made meals at home. But after we accumulate a specific number of stars then we can pick a fun dinner or outing together. This way we'll be eating better and saving money!

Monday started our first session. Up at 6AM and ready to take on the world. Our goal is to work out 4 nights a week and include nightly walks with the pups (or as many as we can based on rain and what not) and the Wii Fit! I'll definitely let you know how its going as time passes.... but Monday I felt amazing! I can't wait for the summer!

Marathon in the Making 2008

In 2008 our best friends had decided to make a New Years Resolution that would really transform our lives to take our health and fitness to the next level. Michael and Kristin wanted to run a Marathon and Half Marathon respectively by the end of the year for The Dallas White Rock Marathon.

In the beginning I was completely against it. We had tried to run a simple 5K in college and I could barely maneuver the strength to complete that. I did say I would work out with them. Finally one day I included myself and mentioned "we" in regards to running the half... and from then on Kristin kept me at my word.

I'll be honest. It was tough work. From January to April we walked a 3 mile path 4 times a week at a park behind our apartment complex. Starting in April we began to run and then eventually added more miles as the schedule deemed necessary. While this was probably one of the hardest things I have done thus far in my life, it was also one of the most rewarding accomplishments I have ever had. Believe me we experienced it all. I laughed; I cried; I felt as though I was going to have a heart attack; I rolled my ankle 3 times; I had my best friend carry me a mile; Ray literally ran to "pick me up"; We ran in a lightning storm; We saw crazy animals at 5Am in the morning; We ran by snakes, skunks, and possums oh my; Rain or shine... with lots of blood, sweat and tears... we accomplished our goal! Anything is truly possible... you simply need motivation and a lot of heart!

Enjoy pictures of our year in training:

Running on hot summer days

The wonderful value of TP


Ran 2.5 miles straight

Running in the rain

White Rock Lake Practice

Finding time to run while at home

Running in lightning storms

It's not always pretty

Get your game face on

Bridge to our park

Mt. Everest

Welcome to our running path

Park behind the apartment complex

Mock Half Marathon. Boys ran 22 miles at White Rock

But look what one can accomplish when you put
your heart in it:)

Dallas White Rock Marathon Dallas 2008

White Rock Marathon & Half: Dallas 2008

Cow Town Half Marathon: Fort Worth 2009

Angie's Half Crazy Half Marathon: Houston March 2009

Size 2

Let's be realistic. We are not all a size 2!
We all have different ideas and concepts about weight loss and fitness. Society tells us if we do not fit a specific mold than we are not classified as beautiful or most importantly sexy. Heaven forbid we are even deemed "FAT!" But the larger question really is not in how many pounds we can shed at any given time, but really to find a healthy weight loss regimen that we are able to stick with. What I say may be taboo but really it is not all about shedding those pesky pounds but really finding healthy alternatives that change your lifestyle. This in turn will inevitably lead to weight loss... pounds that stay off!

While many of us are trying to lose some unwanted weight many are also trying to find a routine that works for them... to stay active... and healthy for the long hall.

This is where I come in. Like many of us I honestly don't know much about fitness. I know what my strengths and weaknesses are. I also know that I am my biggest obstacle. I make excuses. But hopefully this blog will change that. My aim for each post is to give you details about my journey. And whether I fail or succeed is entirely up to me; however, I want to offer a real version... nothing sugar coated to impress anyone b/c at the end of the day I make my own decisions. But this way hopefully those that follow can continue to motivate each other with suggestions, tips, goals, and true life experiences. This way we are not really alone and can hold each other accountable. Again how amazing life could be if we could seriously change ourselves one hour at a time. To give up that lethargic lifestyle and become something better.

This is my journey to a healthier lifestyle... feel free to join me:)