Our Journey

We all need a little motivation when it comes to fitness. The purpose of this blog is to do just that. It is a story of success, failure, struggle, and triumph! My goal is to offer advice and real life experiences. Please offer your own advice, tips, and goals. Together we can change our lives and others... One Hour at a Time!

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Day 2:
I'll be honest. There are some days I am so not motivated. I don't really like to get out of my warm bed in the mornings and sometimes I truly feel like this picture. Ha! But honestly it is so nice having something to work toward. Yesterday, Ray and I worked out for about an hour. I've been doing 2 miles on the elliptical to start and then another 2-3 miles on the treadmill while lifting weights. Tonight we'll go for another hour; take the pups on a good walk on Wednesday; Thursday morning workout; Sunday afternoon work out. Our goal currently is about 4 times a week and include walks with the pups. Sadly toward the end of last week we had dropped off our goal, but I'm excited to pick it back up this week. I think the whole concept of working out isn't about focusing on past failures but realizing that each day is a new day. It's about making realistic goals and sticking to them. For me I will set really high and sometimes far fetched goals... so now I'm just going to focus on sticking to my word and not making excuses. I'll always be tired, the days will continue to be long... but again it's one hour of your life at a time! Imagine improving your life one hour a day! Sometimes I think my biggest obstacle really is myself. So don't let you or anything else stand in your way! Good luck with your goals and know that you really can do anything you put your mind to. So again I'll keep you updated!

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