Our Journey

We all need a little motivation when it comes to fitness. The purpose of this blog is to do just that. It is a story of success, failure, struggle, and triumph! My goal is to offer advice and real life experiences. Please offer your own advice, tips, and goals. Together we can change our lives and others... One Hour at a Time!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Beach Bod Ready

It's about that time again! Time to get Beach Bod Ready! Just imagine inserting your face in here?!?

Are you ready?!?!

As of late, I just have really been in a funk. I've had my random moments of motivation and then at other times... I could sit on a couch and eat a whole pizza or tub of Blue Bell ice cream while watching the Biggest Loser! Ugh! This weekend I definitely had a wake up call. I really miss running... or maybe it really isn't the act of running but how I feel. I loved that I could run miles upon miles without stopping! It was amazing! I had never previously been a runner and swore that I would NEVER lose this wonderful thing that I had trained a whole year for... well never say never... b/c I realized this weekend that I had. So... in order to change this... it was time to get motivated...

My husband and I are back in training mode... we now have something to be motivated for... it is looking that we may be going to Florida this Summer with Family and I couldn't be more excited! Also we've just decided to really turn over a new leaf (yes I know it's March)... but you gotta get back on track sometime...

Our Goal... for each day we work out we get a "star!" I know pretty childish... but it is what that star represents that is super exciting. We've decided to give up fast food and really give up going out to eat a lot in general. It's more home made meals at home. But after we accumulate a specific number of stars then we can pick a fun dinner or outing together. This way we'll be eating better and saving money!

Monday started our first session. Up at 6AM and ready to take on the world. Our goal is to work out 4 nights a week and include nightly walks with the pups (or as many as we can based on rain and what not) and the Wii Fit! I'll definitely let you know how its going as time passes.... but Monday I felt amazing! I can't wait for the summer!

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